Eye brows


Mac-Valve Maestro!
Perhaps you all ready has seen this, but I found a youtube clip from Germany and the guy used, what it looked like an diode light but there was three wires and not two so it could have been some other type of light, never mind...
What he did was that he lined up the wires on the eye brows and sprayed and got a realy good effect, all I could find at home was a 12V cable quite thick, stripped it and used that for this effect, it turned out quite all right if I may say so. If you have another way, please let us know :) IMG_4209.JPG IMG_4208.JPG
I've watched that video, great trick!
Another way to paint the eyelashes and other small hairs is to cut a shape of the hair on the edge of frisket or paper, slightly move cut material aside and you have a mask to paint a single hair of exact and precise shape you need.

It's very good that you've taken close photo of your work! Big mistake is seen;) Your canvas is not gessoed and sanded.
You can't get good result on this kind of surface as you can not even use frisket as it's not going to stick to the canvas untreated surface. Overspray can't be removed, scratching and erasing is impossible, I mean normal scratching and erasing:)
Surface for airbrushing should be without any texture, just like paper but not soft so you can erase and scratch with confidence. A couple of layers of gesso over your canvas will do the job, sanded after drying of course.
Longer wire works great for hair too. Very over reduced paint and super low pressure dagger strokes work well, and also scratching.

I agree with Vlad, I hate painting on raw canvas, the uneven surface tends to 'bounce' (for want of a better word) paint, and make it harder to stay clean particularly for fine detail work.
It is actually gessoed, perhaps not enough, need a thicker layer?
Sanded it's not, will do that the next time. :thumbsup:
It's gessoed, but as it comes from the art shop. Am I right? This kind of surface is suitable for oil or tube acrylic painting, but not for airbrushing. You've seen it yourself already.

I do it as follows. First is sanding the canvas as it goes from the shop. Then removing sanding dust. After - applying more layers of gesso. The final step is sanding.
I apply gesso with big spray gun, it's better then with a bristle brush. But in your country it's cold for now as in mine, so only bristle brush will do.
I spray gesso outdoors in the Summer time. It dries fast and there no need for special heated shop. A lot of overspray is produced when spraying the gesso.