Just received HP-C Plus. Questions...

Yes! We demand an explanation!!!

Heh...it was a little bit of lubricant they must have applied to the pre-set knob. I was wondering why more scratches were appearing as I unscrewed the knob, and why they were changing shape. Somehow I'd never thought to touch it. :laugh:

It's weird how liquid can look like a scratch on a mirrored surface like chrome.
Heh...it was a little bit of lubricant they must have applied to the pre-set knob. I was wondering why more scratches were appearing as I unscrewed the knob, and why they were changing shape. Somehow I'd never thought to touch it. :laugh:

It's weird how liquid can look like a scratch on a mirrored surface like chrome.

Sounds funny:D It's OK as sometimes such things tend to happen;)

Here's how all HP-P Plus airbrushes were coming past years. The last AB among HP Plus I bought in 2012, as I remember. All of them are from the US. These are just few examples. Any other had test spray sheet.


Yes, they was come whit spray test ( like all good quality brushes do from Japan). Although i find that Japan seller are moust honest and helpfull.I buy all my brushes from there...