Airbrush cleaner

Restorer is for dead serious cleaning. It's the most powerful, but it also has the worst chemical reaction of any paint cleaner you can use.

Even if only a film of it remains, it will turn your paint to a thick nasty slimy tar right before your eyes. It's for last ditch cleaning, IMO.
I'll spray the restorer into a cleaning station, (minus needle) but give the brush a good rinse through with water afterwards
All Good suggestions if your having trouble getting down into the needle area just use a soft brush from the dollar store - 4012 is a good cleaner too. I just use diluted 4012 or in a pinch Mr. Clean Green cleaner (diluted )works really well too, just don't spray it through the brush unless you have a filtered spray out pot. Water based paints, you shouldn't need the nail-polish remover for cleaning the paints your using, acetone can be hard on the chrome finish.