Colour Wheel


Mac-Valve Maestro!
I've spent the last two day trying to find a colour wheel for Golden High flow colour wheel.

why because I read on this forum that it's a good Idea to buy a colour wheel of the paint you are using has any one managed to find a Golden High Flow colour wheel.

A color wheel does not go by paint brand. Color charts however do , Some makers reds are richer then other . But no matter who makes the paint if you mix red and blue you will still get violet red and yellow will still make orange and blue and yellow will still make green.
So any color wheel will work no matter who makes the paint.
I bought color wheel and used it like 10 times maybe... I could do the same if I would look online probably.
Hi James, I think any color wheel will do it doesn't need to be brand specific, you'll have color variants with different brands, but even with the same brand you can have very slight color difference from batch to batch.
Thank you all for the very quick reply
I have found a very feature in Photoshop, the swatch picker will give you a pantone colour good for seeing under the top colour to give me all the colours that give me a top colour.some times i will only see a colour as one colour and not the colours that make it up

That is not an accurate portrayal of golden paints real mixing. A color wheel is just a basic layout of the 3 primaries (yellow, red, blue), the secondaries (orange, violet, green), and the transitional colors (yellow-orange, red-orange, red-violet, blue-violet, blue-green, yellow-green). If you really want to make your own wheel do it like we did in one of my many color theory courses. Use actual paint, make a 12 sectioned wheel, layout the primaries (usually napathol yellow, napathol red, Ultramarine Blue), use these to make the secondaries, and so on. Make squares going to the center of the ring, use this for not just tints of those colors, but use compliments (direct opposites on the color wheel) to shade colors, adding black or grey to a color just muddies it, and your neutrals, which in turn you can mix various skin tones.