My cup runith over

Oh great it's not just me then. I started changing clothes when I airbrush because I can't seem to keep that paint in the cup. 2 shorts and a pair of jeans later I still refuse to put the cap on my cup. It's so inconvenient when changing paints fast. I just need more airbrushes lol
All my jeans have paint stains on them, trying to get in the habit of using the cap, when the brush stops up I shake it and paint flys everywhere, :eek: Shaking it usually doesn't help the nozzle clear itself by the way....
It's the enthusiasm that can't be trusted, depression always follows manic. And why is it always India ink?
That's the one thing I don't like about my CM-B, the bowl has a notch cut out of it in the rear so no cap ever.
It's the enthusiasm that can't be trusted, depression always follows manic. And why is it always India ink?
That's the one thing I don't like about my CM-B, the bowl has a notch cut out of it in the rear so no cap ever.

Some designs are still old school where it was designed to be used by illustrators that point the gun down. That's why all gravity cups are slanted back.