Recipes please!

Well your work is always outstanding, and if you use the same colour method as me, that means there's hope for me yet!!!!!! :D
I use the squishy method to, but I Intend to take some color theory classes soon. Right now I have 4 motorcycle helmets to paint, and expect a few more soon. So shifting gears a bit, probably be a while before I worry over an exact skin tone.
Thanks @jared and @Squishy , I always struggled in the beginning trying to mix opaques and get the correct colour , then I changed to transparents which gave me more control over the colour as I was 'mixing' on the paper , if for instance I wanted orange I would spray yellow then keep layering red over the top until I got the shade I was after, if I went to far, I could apply some more yellow, eventually I then got to know what the effect was adding a layer of burnt umbra, or green etc. Sometime I can now look at a colour and think to myself, ahh.. burnt umbra then a few layers of red ochre , plus a little blue should do the trick so I suppose it become a bit of a 'sixth sense' after a while.

I was surprised to find that over time I have noticed my main colours are Burnt umbra, red ochre, brown ochre, golden Ochre , occasionaly a bit of blue and finally paynes grey, with these transparents I seem to be able to get most colours I am after.

If someone asked me to mix a colour in the cup I would wet myself and run a mile :)
Exactly, Burned Umbra and the rest you mention are good becaurse they also darken the color without killing it. I never use black to darken a color or for shaddows I use one of the dark earth colors.