Aerograph sprite major needle diameter

Excuse the poor blurry spidery lines, I will get better! I am having some success with the fine needle, this is a very thin writing ink. I may get better results with the ink viscosity thicker. Also not getting a total seal on the needle so I will try a couple more attempts.IMG_20230917_221240685.jpg
(The needle pictures is not the needle used, it is just there as a size reference)
Doesn't match the thread title but its a continuation of trying to get my old aerograph going that the needle issue was part of.

Here are some pictures of another part which I made and had more success with! The trigger!



Customized the shape and size. But works great.Needs a bit of a smooth and polish.
Thankyou. I only have access to them at work, I would like to have some at home! I would get alot less of everything else done though if I had them to tinker on!
I made a bit of progress with this, No pictures of my practice needles, I have ordered a badger needle but I have been practicing my needle grinding on piano wire. I have made up a guide with a few angles on, from the pictures (DaveG) posted it looks to be a 10⁰ point, the heavy looks to have a 45⁰ secondary but I have a few angles ground up on a guide to try.

I also snapped up a good pair of sprite majors! I have had no luck finding them before. One dirty with a fine set up, missing a needle and a complete but dirty heavy set up. I have given them a bit of time cleaning but they still need more.

Interesting the brass internals are slightly different. One has the circlip, the other it is part of the brass.

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Hi RK, I just got this Aerograph Sprite, well, I'm actually still waiting for it to arrive. It looked so nice on the photos, and it will fit well with the other Aerograph I have. I have the Model E, which is my favorite, and another one with no cup. I hope your airbrushes are working better now.

The information DaveG has shared with you it's great since it will also help me when I attend to my Aerograph airbrushes. Mine are a little beat up, so I may have to resort to some of the reference from this conversation. Thank you for sharing about your experience with your Aerograph Sprite RK! 🙏 ☺️ -Lisa
Hi, the sprite major with the custom trigger works beautifully now. I made a custom side cup for it and it has a needle I ground myself. Mainly I did not like the side cup you can buy being black inside. The trigger I have not seen come back in stock but the needles have been in stock on the web now. I like the convex trigger top alot.

One thing I am not keen on is the new teflon needle bearing/seal. I may go back to old stock leather washers or find an alternative material.

Don't know if you are aware, but Aerograph has a direct DNA lineage with the invention of the airbrush.
In the late 19th century, Charles Burdick patented what we know today as the internal mix airbrush. Thayer and Chandler licensed it for the US. Burdick moved to London where he founded the Fountain Brush Company, which eventually changed the name at the turn of the 20th Century to "Aerograph Company", the name he adopted for his airbrush. Decades later the company was acquired by Devilbiss and eventually sold. I think Everything Airbrush in the UK currently owns part of it or something.


Don't know if you are aware, but Aerograph has a direct DNA lineage with the invention of the airbrush.
In the late 19th century, Charles Burdick patented what we know today as the internal mix airbrush. Thayer and Chandler licensed it for the US. Burdick moved to London where he founded the Fountain Brush Company, which eventually changed the name at the turn of the 20th Century to "Aerograph Company", the name he adopted for his airbrush. Decades later the company was acquired by Devilbiss and eventually sold. I think Everything Airbrush in the UK currently owns part of it or something.

Wow, thank you for sharing this bit of history Ismael! 🙏☺️-Lisa