Badger 200 paint jar suction tube



Can anyone please tell me what these tubes are made of Mine disappeared around 15yrs ago when I went to a larger jar and made a tube from the inner insulator from some antenna coax I can't remember the coax type and the Badger ones are around 1cm short.
I've tried silicone and polystyrene and both go weird shapes with GP thinner, something 4mm Od and 2mm Id I made a side cup from an old carby float I can use at pinch.
Thanks in advance for your thoughts.


ps: My tube went missing in the 2' between the drawer where I keep the gun and my bench I put it down to a senior moment, I searched the shed 10 times with no luck.
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Thanks Don I was thinking it might be so. $7.50 a metre on ebay is cheaper than the Badger ones.
Thanks mate I have a bid on 1mt of ptfe/teflon tube on ebay goes off in a few hours current bid is $5.23 au coming from China be here around three weeks when it arrive Murphy will step in and I'll find the lost one.