Beginner please help problem with airbrush



hello im new to airbrush art just have trouble with it
im using Paasche Millenium airbrush and createx wicked paints and problem is when i spray after few minutes im pressing and pulling lever gently paint is not coming, after moment more paint come and im destroying every painting , i thin paint a lot many times too still same result pls help
Next time try checking fro dried paint on the needle tip. Tip dry is a constant struggle with water based paint. No matter what brand or how much you reduce . This sounds like you problem.

Looking at your brush on the net, it has a cut away handle, this allows you to grab the needle chuck and pull the needle back farther than the trigger will travel, unless you have the stop set close. This allows you to pull back all the way, push the trigger down, and clear out any possible clogs inside the nozzle . Watch vids of t shirt painters. They do this or spray a bunch off to the side every few minutes to keep tip dry down.

Also make sure you are running at least 40 psi at your regulator with a siphon feed. Speaking of which. Make sure the vent hole in you paint bottles is clear. If it plugs up air will not get in and will not allow the pint to be " siphoned " up the tube.
Thank U so much i will check it now
so maybe i can try us different paint ? coz i also have cheap airbrush and first time was good second same problem
If this has done this to 2 airbrushes, I would guess that it is the paint. Try straining your paint either through a filter or some pantyhose. I had the sme problem with some of my paint. after I did this and cleaned my airbrushes I had no problem.

I will try it today coz right must be the paint
what best solution to clean airbrush after this kind of paint ?
The best you can do, probably, is using the paint's brand recommended own cleaner. I've not used it yet, but I bet it will be the best. If you can't get it, try with the Iwata-Medea cleaner concentrated solution, it works great for me to clean wicked. If neither are at hand, I wouldn't suggest using straight water (it messes up the paint and clogs the ab), use windex instead.

Be careful when cleaning other brands of paint with the same cleaner, as not all of them will work the same. I had some body paint for airbrush, from Medea, and tried using the Iwata-Medea cleaner with disastrous results. The paint remaining in the cup turned into gum immediately, clogging the airbrush.
Another good cleaner is Denatured Alchohol ( Methylated Spirits ) if you are in the uk its coloured purple. I don't know about anywhere else. That breaks the water based paint up nicely.

Another good cleaner is Denatured Alchohol ( Methylated Spirits ) if you are in the uk its coloured purple. I don't know about anywhere else. That breaks the water based paint up nicely.


It's coulored purple in Holland too, lol, but her it's called "Brand Spiritus" which sounds like A Roman pyromaniac, lol
Thank U guys for all help i will try it and share results :)
maybe some advice of other paints ? that will not dry so bad ?
I'm not a Createx fan. I have so much trouble with all of their products. I only use their Auto Air in my spray gun. Even the Createx illustration clogs my brushes. That said the best cleaner I have found is Createx brush restorer. Not the brush cleaner but the restorer. The only thing I have found that cleans out their paint.