beginner reading


Needle-chuck Ninja
Was wondering if there is anything I should think about picking up to read?? Anyone have any solid suggestions to read in order to help a noob progress?
Was wondering if there is anything I should think about picking up to read?? Anyone have any solid suggestions to read in order to help a noob progress?

I used to be addicted to the Dandy and the Beano but I found they didn't help at all when it came to airbrushing or art in general although I sometimes used to draw the characters from both of those:)

Seriously, this forum has come a long way and has amassed quite a data base of facts and choices so there is quite a lot you could learn here with a little research and for whatever you can't find there is a bunch damn cool people just waiting to answer your questions, but there are also an array of different magazines available and many of these have some excellent SBS's within.
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