Best for a beginner??



Hopefully you guys/gals can help with a dilema. I am looking to buy a small compressor to start out on my airbrushing journey. I was wondering if someone with a bit more experience could tell me which of the following 3 would be best to start with (don't want to spend to much just yet).

Thanks in advance :)
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Well to give any advice we need to know what your plans are.

How long will your sessions be?
(just a few minutes, and hour, whole day. You can burn out on a small one)
How quiet you want it to be? (i.e. use it in the living room or have a shed where noise does not count as an issue)
What kind of work you want to do with it? (just little airbrush or also be able to lay down big panels of base and clearcoat)

Im a bit sick now, so cant think of any other questions :s

But in general, dont look for a compressor to get you started, but look for a compressor that fills in your need.
And never buy one that is not stating the dB of noise it generates, and the one wich is telling you ultra quiet with 55dB is lying.

Good airbrush compressors are expensive, and there is a reason for that.
Well to give any advice we need to know what your plans are.

How long will your sessions be?
(just a few minutes, and hour, whole day. You can burn out on a small one) Possibly 2-3 hours every couple of days to start with (may not get the hang of it)
How quiet you want it to be? (i.e. use it in the living room or have a shed where noise does not count as an issue) Not to fussed as it can be placed away from where I would be working (obviously not jumbo jet loud though lol)
What kind of work you want to do with it? (just little airbrush or also be able to lay down big panels of base and clearcoat) No bigger than car panels

Im a bit sick now, so cant think of any other questions :s

But in general, dont look for a compressor to get you started, but look for a compressor that fills in your need.
And never buy one that is not stating the dB of noise it generates, and the one wich is telling you ultra quiet with 55dB is lying.

Good airbrush compressors are expensive, and there is a reason for that.

The dilema is I don't want to spend to much to find I can't get the hang of it. Upgrading the compressor won't be an issue if I think I could give it a real go :)
Hi Craig

You might want to take a look here;

And here

In the first link, the compressor that comes with it is useless, but the airbrush is good, in the second link the the compressor is OK and makes little sound, but take a look through their website, you can mix and match whatever fits your pocket, if you see something you like, link it here and ask first.


P.S. I've only looked at these, but I'm sure there are other deals, if I come across other UK websites, I'll let you know.
Hi Malky

I have come across a similar compressor to the one in your second link, difference being it has a 3ltr tank strapped to it. Would having the tank prove to be beneficial?
Yes a tank on it is always better than one without a tank.

Depending on air consumption your motor will work less, but most importantly your airflow will be more stable.
An airtank removes the risk of 'pulsating' air, wich could mess up your artwork.

Also most airbrush compressors cannot power a bigger spraygun other than small airbrushes.
So you will need another bigger compressor if you want to use a mini-spraygun or normal spraygun for base-clear coating.

Another option will be to buy a cheap DIY compressor wich will power most. But the noise will be HORRIBLE.
And it is in need of a good oil/water trap.

Basicly, finding a good compressor is harder than finding a good airbrush lolll
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Hi Malky

I have come across a similar compressor to the one in your second link, difference being it has a 3ltr tank strapped to it. Would having the tank prove to be beneficial?

Yes Craig, like Fire panther said a tank is ideal, stable airflow.

think I might just try and find a blow brush lol

I did have a 24ltr DIY one but gave it to the father in law as I didn't use it much. Also I know I said noise isn't much of an issue but that one was offensively loud haha

I think I will probably give the one with the tank a go, if it's no good I will sell it and try another until I find one up to the job :)

think I might just try and find a blow brush lol

I did have a 24ltr DIY one but gave it to the father in law as I didn't use it much. Also I know I said noise isn't much of an issue but that one was offensively loud haha

I think I will probably give the one with the tank a go, if it's no good I will sell it and try another until I find one up to the job :)

Good choice Craig, you don't want to spend to much in the beginning, if you decide to keep going then you can go for the more expensive stuff.
