Bubbling in cup



Hi everyone . I have a Iwata hp-bs and I am having a lot of trouble with bubbling back into the cup . I have pulled it apart and cleaned everything I can put it back together and put carbie cleaner through it and it still doe it . Driving me insane . Any tips or ideas on how to solve this would be greatly appreciated .

Thanks in advance

Ok, the hp-bs is a .35 needle standard, what paint are you putting through it?
Ditch the carby cleaner its for Carbys not airbrushes, you can cause other issues using the wrong thing.
Just because you've cleaned it, doesn't mean it's clean- we've all been there, done that :D
Did you buy the brush new or 2nd hand?
Bubbling in the cup is normally (not always) a sign that there's a dirty nozzle or a piece of dried paint fouling the nozzle.
Hi Thanks for the replies , Yeah bought it new and had it for a while , Using auto air paints thinned with the proper thinners .
Chances are there's been a slow build up of the paint. Grab a cloth, lay it on the table and tear the brush down lay the parts on the cloth and give them a clean. The cloth will stop nozzles etc from rolling /bouncing away
A jewellers loupe will be beneficial in showing just how clean the nozzle isn't :laugh:
Like I said, we've all been there !
Interdental brushes are handy for cleaning the nozzles and airways and not abrasive like the micro cleaning brushes we all get suckered into buying. Long bristled artist brushes are good too.
Remove the nozzles and air cap and soak in the thinners for a few hours (minus any seals) then use the brushes to remove any persistant gunk
Definitely sounds like a dirty gun, as mentioned above we've all 'cleaned' out gear and found out later that it wasn't! I normally make it worse when cleaning!! Stuttering patterns and bubbling cups!!! It only takes a speck of paint to ruin the day:)
Had a similar problem with an Eclipse gravity. Tried all the restorers and then tried alcohol (I only use acrylics for now) and then xylene. Didn't work. Nozzle was clear to a .3mm wire shoved through it. Finally figured it must have a piece of Q-Tip in it and soaked it in bleach since bleach puts wonderful holes in my jeans ;-}. After about two hours the small bleach solution (about 3/8" in the bottom of a 1 ounce jar) was black. That fixed it. Very strange. The tip did not tarnish from the bleach. YMMV.
A blockage can be anything from a full block to a film of paint coating the inside of your nozzle, so that you can look through and it seems clean, and the needle seems to go in fine. It only takes the teeniest amount though for the needle not to seat properly, and you would be amazed what can hide in there.

If your threads aren't leaking and you are 100% sure the nozzle is spotless, there is also the possibility it is cracked or damaged in some way, i.e a scratch inside from cleaning with something metal, or possibly flared from a bit too vigorous cleaning.