I'll have to try some good quality water color paper & the gesso'd board. I haven't tried much, I have a panel of metal to try, but I want to clear it first for jewel effect and I have to wait until I have a bunch of stuff to clear at one time. I have a can of 2k and want to get the most out of it. Usually I just use that foam board paper stuff or sketch paper.. I usually do my practice lines on computer printer paper.. I been practicing highlights and sparkles.. They are like tiny dagger strokes right.. I have a lot of practice to do. Any videos out there that give u tips on making the sparkle Highlight? I try to do a mini dagger and get a reverse dagger. I can do big daggers just fine.. I think the bigger the dagger, it gives me more time to think about what I am doing. I need it to be 2nd nature before I can do them without thinking so hard about the trigger and distance. I know I'm doing it wrong and just need more practice. Also, I don't know if i am double actioning right. I do what feels natural and it happens so fast I can't tell if I let the trigger go all the way forward before cutting the air off.. That normal?