


photo11.JPGWhile I await for my wicked colours to arrive I had a bit of practice stencilling with the acrylic paint the paint shop said everybody was using to airbrush lures. I thinned it down with thinners 1:8 to spray on cardboard. When the paint hit the carboard it was like cobwebs. any ideas for future reference.

thanks Chilli
Wow, that is weird. Looks to me like it wasn't thinned down enough... maybe the thinner you were using reacted to the paint? Or, if you were using plain water, maybe it didn't mix with the paint correctly.
Looks almost like pigment migration. Depending on the type of acrylic paint, it may have large pigments not meant for an airbrush. Too much reduction can cause the binders to separate causing the pigments to float in the reduction fluid, when the settle and dry, the are scattered.

What did you use to reduce?
Did you do 1 paint...8 reducer. It almost looks like pigmented water and was just blowing around. How thick was the original paint and what did you use to thin it?
I used laquar thinners as recommended by the paint place. thinned it down to 1 paint to 8 thinners. tried 1:4 but just got caught in the airbrush and was spitting out. I might try putting it through a stocking and see if there is any change.
Can't wait for the new paint to arrive.
thanks all for the responses.
I used laquar thinners as recommended by the paint place. thinned it down to 1 paint to 8 thinners. tried 1:4 but just got caught in the airbrush and was spitting out. I might try putting it through a stocking and see if there is any change.
Can't wait for the new paint to arrive.
thanks all for the responses.

Laquer thinner and acrylics, you just answered your own question.
You'd be better off with just straight tap water with acrylic.

Are you using Acrylic or Latex? When you say "paint place" it makes me think of a hardware store.
A picture is worth a thousand words, can you show one of the paint you are using? At least a brand and description from the label.
Im leaning towards agreeing with Chili, it seems like the paint gummed up...although it seems to be a cool effect but don't think it too good for brush. If you used laquer thinner to thin acrylic paint that's a no no! just use plain water or even windex but at least water for acrylics.
the supplier was a paint shop. wont be using it again unless i need the effect. Wicked colours should arrive any day now.
iv seen that hapen with laqueer wat is the paint laquer enamel or water base iv also seen that effect actualy used on boats on the deck and insides to hide dirt. ok my bad i read the lable try reducing more and use caution you dont eazt your o rings lol