I am practising dagger strokes in order to attempt fur.
I seem to have two difficulties:
1. I can do them better if I turn air on and off as I do the dagger. If I try to keep air on, I seem to pull back too far and get too much paint and find it harder to do short daggers. Problem with air on and off is tip dry seems to occur more quickly and frequently.
2. I get a small blob at the end of the stroke when trying to do smaller and smaller ones. Not such an issue on the longer ones but as length control becomes tighter so the small blobs begin.
I hope my points make sense, and hope that you can all offer explanation and help.
I seem to have two difficulties:
1. I can do them better if I turn air on and off as I do the dagger. If I try to keep air on, I seem to pull back too far and get too much paint and find it harder to do short daggers. Problem with air on and off is tip dry seems to occur more quickly and frequently.
2. I get a small blob at the end of the stroke when trying to do smaller and smaller ones. Not such an issue on the longer ones but as length control becomes tighter so the small blobs begin.
I hope my points make sense, and hope that you can all offer explanation and help.