Stevie G
Yesterday evening I decided to push the envelope ....... I couldn't find one so I decided to try airbrushing my first portrait instead
The Cameron Diaz tutorial to be precise.
Here's how it turned out .......
If Cameron Diaz looked in the mirror and this stared back at her I suspect that she would not leave her house .....
Having said that, though, I'm not totally disappointed with my efforts. She does look vaguely human !
Anyway, to the post mortem.
I used 10 drops of Createx opaque black mixed with 5 drops of transparent base and 20 drops of reducer.
I went straight in to the picture ..... first mistake.
I looked at the reference pic and found the shapes I needed to replicate (helped by the pre-drawn lines on the AT exercise sheet :encouragement.
I still managed to go too dark too soon but I managed to back off part way through.
All went reasonably well until I got to the hair.
Up until now I had painted shapes ...... painting from the right side of my brain.
Then I let myself think "now I'm going to paint the hair" ...... big mistake.
The left side of my brain took over and thought "hair ... must use dagger strokes for this" and produced what you see here.
Instead of fair hair my girl is quite dark.
If I had just carried on thinking in shapes things would hopefully have turned out better.
So, what have I learned ....
Before I attempt this or any other picture again I will cover an A4 sheet with dots, lines, blends and daggers just to "warm up" and get the brush control sorted.
I will see shapes and nothing else.
I'm going to try reducing the paint a bit more.
In all seriousness I really enjoyed doing this one.
The Cameron Diaz tutorial to be precise.
Here's how it turned out .......
If Cameron Diaz looked in the mirror and this stared back at her I suspect that she would not leave her house .....
Having said that, though, I'm not totally disappointed with my efforts. She does look vaguely human !
Anyway, to the post mortem.
I used 10 drops of Createx opaque black mixed with 5 drops of transparent base and 20 drops of reducer.
I went straight in to the picture ..... first mistake.
I looked at the reference pic and found the shapes I needed to replicate (helped by the pre-drawn lines on the AT exercise sheet :encouragement.
I still managed to go too dark too soon but I managed to back off part way through.
All went reasonably well until I got to the hair.
Up until now I had painted shapes ...... painting from the right side of my brain.
Then I let myself think "now I'm going to paint the hair" ...... big mistake.
The left side of my brain took over and thought "hair ... must use dagger strokes for this" and produced what you see here.
Instead of fair hair my girl is quite dark.
If I had just carried on thinking in shapes things would hopefully have turned out better.
So, what have I learned ....
Before I attempt this or any other picture again I will cover an A4 sheet with dots, lines, blends and daggers just to "warm up" and get the brush control sorted.
I will see shapes and nothing else.
I'm going to try reducing the paint a bit more.
In all seriousness I really enjoyed doing this one.