Generic Paint Booths for around $100 on Amazon.


Double Actioner
Can a longer flexible exhaust be easily attached to the generic paint booths that sell on Amazon for around $100. It seems like there are at least a few very similar models. They collapse from around 16 x 14 x 16" to a portable suitcase like box. Anyway, I'm sure some of you have ran across one of these. My problem is that I need a longer exhaust then the 6' one they are advertised having. Is there an easy way to attach more on to it?
No idea regarding the question, just a point of fact: Air resistance in hoses goes up exponentially with length. Much more so with 'flexible' ducts since the ribs cause further turbulence. Be careful if you plan on using one of them for any flammable materials. DC motors spark. Unless you're absolutely sure its brushless or the motor is out of the airstream. Most of those booths will come with a warning explosion hazards.
No idea regarding the question, just a point of fact: Air resistance in hoses goes up exponentially with length. Much more so with 'flexible' ducts since the ribs cause further turbulence. Be careful if you plan on using one of them for any flammable materials. DC motors spark. Unless you're absolutely sure it’s brushless or the motor is out of the airstream. Most of those booths will come with a warning explosion hazards.

I never actually heard if this happening. An explosion. Not in a residential setting anyway.
The motors in these booths are sometimes a bit weak. Depends which you buy. I bought a slim cooker extractor instead because I found it was much cheaper and more powerful. I have mine on its side, sat on my desk. I used some foam board to make a foldable booth. Whatever you go for the longer the hose is the more powerful motor you’ll need. Typically you want the hose to be as short as possible.
I have a bunch of cardboard I set aside to build one. Does anyone have any insight to that route? What sized fan would i need (CFM)?