Got my krome


Needle-chuck Ninja
Hey everyone. So I finally got my krome had a little bit of a play with it and my question is . What's the trick to getting fine lines I seem to get finer lines with my hpcs. Tried abit 20 dif reductions and air pressure also getting crazy tip dry. I was using wicked detail black on scap foam board. Any advice. Oh and running the .2 set up
Im so excited for you!! I can get pin point lines with my Krome. About 30psi, with black reduced down to 2 drops black, 20 reducer. I have used the .3 once, hated it. Seems there is no control with that needle, and the cover. The.2 uses the cover with the protective prongs on it.
You will love the krome, I use etac reduced 1:1 with water with the 0.2 with the prongs as a distance guide I did the fine bloodshot lines within the eye I just posted

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yes steve, as im sure you know, tip dry is due more tot he paint than the brush.... wicked is a bugger for tip dry, i have since converted to etac and as bean says, its a great paring..... set your trigger tension nice and soft and get to it bro
You will love the krome, I use etac reduced 1:1 with water with the 0.2 with the prongs as a distance guide I did the fine bloodshot lines within the eye I just posted

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I was wondering if those were done with an airbrush or regular brush. It's good to know my krome it's capable of that. Looks like I need to work on my reduction.
I was wondering if those were done with an airbrush or regular brush. It's good to know my krome it's capable of that. Looks like I need to work on my reduction.

Everything on the eye was done with the krome even the eyelashes (which were then touched up with a sharp electric eraser. I noticed a big difference when upgrading to my krome, stick with it and play around with reductions, I ran at 10 psi with the reduction mentioned.

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Thanks for the replies everyone. Well my first mistake is I swapped the cap with the prongs to the one without so that will prob explain the excessive air , and probably why I'm getting a lot more tip dry than usual.
aslo for tip dry is it still same to use the 2 toothbrush taped together ? That won't bend the needle will it ?
Mate, tip dry will happen with most opaque paints not so much with transarent, especially black and white due to pigment load and air pressure. It's part of the learning curve, you really do have to find your own happy set up when it comes to paint as they vary from brand to brand.
Etac are one of the best for less tip dry I find but a lot depends on your personal set up and conditions.
You will get there mate, just experiment with different reductions and pressures, you have to find what's comfortable for you, it take time and practice.
As for cleaning tip dry the safest way to protect your needle is to use a paint brush and cleaner, damage can been caused by picking it off.
Also don't get obsessed with getting fine lines, it's not the be all and end all, most off the time you can create a line then erase or use other tools to sharpen or clean up, you will rarely need to create a super fine line.
Just have fun my friend, keep painting and practicing, it's a big learning curve but worth the effort!

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I have found that some airbrushes will tip dry worse than others, even using the same paints and colors.

Unfortunately, though, tip dry is just part of airbrushing. A really, really annoying part, but a part you're never really going to get rid of. Although I encourage all attempts at at least reducing it.
Thanks guys. I haven't had the chance to throw some paint in it again yet. But I can't wait to have a good go with it.
So pulled the krome out for a little play. The amount of tip dry was insane I mean I would shoot paint for about 3 or 4 seconds then have to clean it. I have never had that drama with the wicked paint before !! So a little closer inspection of the needle and low and behold it was bent !! I had no idea why it was feeling so rough when I got it. Like it felt real grainy I figure it was the needle rubbing against the tip.
So I got 2000 wet n dry and gently ran it across whilst turning the needle to try straighten it looked pretty good instantly the roughness of the airbrush was gone and it's now smooth as silk very little tip dry and can get some nice fine lines but now I'm wondering am I getting the full potential out if the .2 needle ?

Also dies anyone know of a badger supplier in Australia ?

Thanks again everyone !!
I'm very interested in this thread because I'm toying with the idea of a finer Ab than my HP-C+ (0.3)
With regard to neddles, I use a peice of Chamois leather, it cleans and polishes in a one-er. I expect someone will come up with a reason not to but it works for me.
Steve - what paint are you using through it? I wouldn't recommend wicked through a 0.2 - instead Etac - Com-art or Createx Illustration for that sort of tip..
Yeah mate I'm using wicked and wicked detail. Can the illustrations colour and etac be used on metal panels and cleared ?
Yeah they can buddy, they won't provide as good adhesion but they will flow better.. Ideal for free hand, otherwise wicked for masking..