H&S Ultra 2024 delayed again

Ichigo Kurosaki

Young Tutorling
Has anyone else pre-ordered the Ultra 2024 ? They keep pushing back the release date. It was suppose to be out Jan. 14. Then got delayed to Jan 26, then now, Spraygunner is showing Feb. 6 and Midwest Airbrush is showing the deliveries will be in March.
I looked into all my goto shops neither the Ultra 2024 nor the Evolution 2024 are available at the moment and in Stock. Some offer pre order. So I guess the request and pre orders are higher than what H&S can produce and I only looked into shops in Germany. So Patience will be required and I know that’s a pita because I hate having to wait for something I want to have. Your not alone with this matter patience is something I wish I had a lot more of 😊

My understanding (please correct me if I'm wrong) is that Harder and Steenbeck does final assembly in Germany. Not sure but I've heard they may be getting some raw parts from Taiwan or other overseas locations. Japanese based Anest-Iwata is the parent company but they run as separate businesses. H&S could be getting some parts from Japan or other suppliers now, but final assembly remains in Germany.

I did read where Anest Iwata purchase Harder & Steenbeck back in 2017. So Iwata owns them. So it would make since that Iwata have the parts made in Japan. And I read where Iwata also purchase Sparmax. And now you see Sparmax compressors forsale on Harder & Steenback website.
H&S and Sparmax have been partners before the Anest-Iwata acquisition. Back in 2012 H&S became the distributor for Sparmax in Germany according to their official website.

I am pretty sure most of the parts are made in Germany. They have a video on youtube showing off their CNC machines and how they CNC the bodies out of brass or aluminum. From the email I got from Warwick when I inquired about the shipping for my Squidmar Evo Black edition, he said they were extremely busy, and it was hard to keep up with demand for the new stuff. It does not surprise me they only have like 50 employees at the most.
That video was release back in 2012. That was before Iwata purchase Harder & Steenbeck. So 2017 is when Iwata bought them. I have out of airbrushing for 10 years. I retired. Bought I decided to come back before my time is up. I have my old Olympos MP-200 Micron, which out before Iwata made their micron's. I also have the old Iwata Custom Micron CM-C. The Iwata and Olympos and Richpen where produce in Japan. In the same factory.

Please go ahead and correct me if I messed up. :thumbsup:

I didn't relize about Sparmax. I just came back as I stated.
H&S manufacturing happens in Germany. Iwata does own them, they remain fairly independent with what they do in Germany. While Iwata is based in Japan, they actually have no manufacturing facilities there (for airbrushes). The brushes made there (as they always have been,) are made by another manufacturer, and branded for Iwata.

I too am waiting on inventory to acquire the Evolution 2024, and looking forward to it! I have the Ultra 2024, and really like what they did with that brush.
H&S manufacture all there parts and assemble them in Germany that also includes the Hansa line. Warlock has been with Harder since August 2017as Brand and products director in January 2022 he took over as General Manager of H&S. The video where Squidmar miniatures shows how airbrushes are made by Harder is about 4 months old.
On there homepage, H&S says they have 16 employees 6 in the administration and 10 in production. So I guess there really busy at the moment to fulfill the demands of there customers. The same thing happened to Iwata a while ago when they released the Takumi Eclipse and Micron. I had to wait almost 3 months for mine to be delivered although I had preordered them by time. My son had to wait 2 months for his Play Station 5 when it was released. So it seems to be common when something new comes on the market that everybody wants, patience is required.
I know that they had there electro plating done by a nearby company from a video that is 11 years old. I would believe that they still do, since it would be pricey to buy those machines and have to hire experienced people for the plating.😊
I'm waiting on the infinity CRplus 2024. Never had one. Always use my Olympos MP 200 and my Iwata CM-B and CM-C. I even have a MOJO that I use.
I picked up an Evolution 2024 from spraygunner - they got stock in around early December I believe.

I also ordered the squidmar version around the same time and it took almost 45 days to receive, but that included a week held in customs. 😑
I picked up an Evolution 2024 from spraygunner - they got stock in around early December I believe.

I also ordered the squidmar version around the same time and it took almost 45 days to receive, but that included a week held in customs. 😑
The first round of inventory has already been sold out - they were expecting new stock last week... but, that time frame has come and gone. I think demand was a bit higher than they anticipated.
The first round of inventory has already been sold out - they were expecting new stock last week... but, that time frame has come and gone. I think demand was a bit higher than they anticipated.
I'm happy their new line is doing well. They really made some great brushes
On there homepage, H&S says they have 16 employees 6 in the administration and 10 in production. So I guess there really busy at the moment to fulfill the demands of there customers. The same thing happened to Iwata a while ago when they released the Takumi Eclipse and Micron. I had to wait almost 3 months for mine to be delivered although I had preordered them by time. My son had to wait 2 months for his Play Station 5 when it was released. So it seems to be common when something new comes on the market that everybody wants, patience is required.
That is wild. They run pretty good for that few of employees.