When I started this project , the chance that the motor has not enough power to fill the tank was real :ghost:, I take the risk because I get this motor for free and the process can be reverted and make it like the original again. :friendly_wink:
When I started this project , the posibility that the motor has not enough power to fill the tank was real , I take the chance decose I get this motor for free and the proces can be reverted and leave it lake the original again .
My tank is 24L and the motor is 1/6HP (smaller than i like , but is free
) , from empty take less than half an hour to fill it , I use it yesterday to paint a couple of hours without problems , the motor produces more air than the airbrush consumes , so I never run out of air.
With a larger motor , I'm sure that will fill the tank faster and the motor would have more resting time.
With larger tanks or faster recovery , You can even use 2 motor for the tank , like this one:
compresor casero - YouTube
I'm not encourage people to do this modification , I just showing what I did (I gess I would do it if work for a year:victorious
This system needs some other modifications to make it better (like add an oil-level to control it ) and is still in test period , remember that can be undone easily.
I made it following a guide that I found in internet , I think that a guide to the forum must be done by someone who really understand the process , better than me.
PD: I'm from Argentina , we have Gamma too