No disrespect to Badger. i have used the 150, 100g and they are very nice. But they are ugly ducklings in a sea of beauty
just look at the iwata and the infinity, not to mention the olympos. Not only are they pretty, they spray like a bag of nipples
but in all seriousness . the hp-cs and hp-sbs eclipse .35 is an outstanding design/performer. hands down the best airbrush for all around use on the market.
you can give it to a beginner and they won't break it.
you can give it someone who has been painting for years, with a less expensive airbrush, and i promise their work work will be better.
I proved it to myself 15 years ago. I was painting some thing for practice. I was on a badger kick out of curiosity. i found a 100g on ebay and bought it.
after spraying with the 100g, i sprayed the exact same thing over with an hp-cs.
needless to say, the line quality, the shading atomization. no comparison. the hp-cs is a DEMON !!!