Air-Valve Autobot!
About 6 months ago I started using Medea airbrush cleaner and it works great with acrylic paints. So one day I decided to give the loose parts in the Eclipse a soak because I've never given it a proper clean. The next day I saw the brass parts were half black. I did not think of taking a photo as I was in a panic. I managed to clean it up with a bit of kitchen cleaner cream (Handy Andy here in south Africa). It took about 5 minutes and all was bright and sparkling again. Oh, on the bottle they say "Soak for 2 hours" not overnight.
So the past weekend I decided to document the exercise using my 3000 year old Badger 150. This is the results. It does no affect performance at all and I'me actually going to keep it this colour as it is not just black, but a bit of psychedelic rainbow affect.
Does anybody know why this is happening?
So the past weekend I decided to document the exercise using my 3000 year old Badger 150. This is the results. It does no affect performance at all and I'me actually going to keep it this colour as it is not just black, but a bit of psychedelic rainbow affect.
Does anybody know why this is happening?