Iwata or Harder Steenbeck


Gravity Guru
Hi friends,

I am looking to buy a new airbrush (in addition to my BAdger 150) and the following models have caugh my eye:

a) iwata, HP-SB Plus Airbrushpistole 200 046 0,2mm, 280€
I like the idea of having a side feed and there do not seem to be many models on the market.

Alternatively, I like the design and functionality of the
b) H&S Infinity CR plus, which is available as (2 in 1 version as 0,15 mm und 0,4mm), 240€
c) or 0.2mm version, 191€

Does anyone have used those pistols in parallel and could recommend any of this in particula?
While I am tempted to get the H%S two in one version, I am not sure, if the 0.15 woud clog to easily.
There is an airbrush fair on the weekend. Maybe I can try some of them live and get special offers.

Many thanks
I did not use both ABs you mentioned, but my friend did. She used them for professional needs. Moreover, she used HP-C+ 0.3mm setup, not 0.2 of HP-SB, and even in this case she liked HP+ more then 0.15 Infinity. Again, for professional needs.

In my use a couple of HP-SB+ and other side feed japanese models. All of them are worth and convenient tools.
Japanese nozzle last much longer than german and, generally, japanese brushes more durable. The information about german models is from my friends, I asked them how they liked those H&S brushes. On the forum there are people, that use both brands and will tell their opinion.

I had good quality (similar to japanese) Taiwan ABs, good quantity of them. They had H&S type nozzles, which to my liking are very inconvenient for cleaning. For this reason I've sold all those brushes.
Being honest it really boils down to what brush you like the feel of.I owned an Infinity for a short time.While it was a well built brush I just didn’t like the feel of the trigger.It lacked the feel of an Iwata.I use a CM-SB and love it.I have used a HP-CH for awhile and that was an outstanding brush.Both in terms of use and build quality.I only tend to use 2 brushes these days my other is a CM-C Plus.Unless i am priming.
I have the CM-SB and use HP-B parts in my Olympos, I have an Evo and an Infinity CR, to say the truth I prefeer my infinity, it is an extremely well made brush, and perfectly balanced, parts are cheaper and didnt see any difference in atomization and fine lines with my CM, but it is more dificult to get the hand of it, iwata brushes are too entremely well made, and works great and has the plus that are easy to work with, but parts are expensive and they tend to be a little heavy for my taste. I would recommend you that if you can try them both just do it, as Driscoll always said, “there are not such thing as the best airbrush, there is the best airbrush that works for you”

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I have both brushes you are asking about - but, can not answer which you will like more. What brush does it for any one given individual is a very personal preference thing.

What I can say is that both are very well made. The overall fit and finish probably goes to the Infinity, as they are pretty flawless, and a wonder to look at. I had one Infinity CR that I could not come to terms with the trigger on - to me, it felt mushy and imprecise. I traded it to someone, and they love the brush. I then had remorse over not having one in my collection, and purchased another one and it feels much better to me. Unlike Vladimir, I find the nozzle style on the H&S to be awesome for cleaning, as everything has a legit seal, and needs to only be finger tight to work - no tools required, and it self centers automatically within the air cap. It is also not so tiny as you may need a magnifying glass to look at it. Love this feature of many of the German brushes!

All that said, I use the Iwata far more often. For me, it is just more comfortable to use, fits my hand better, and I find that controlling it has just become intuitive. I have to work harder with the Infinity to get the same sort of results.
Like others on here I have both Iwata and H&S I use the Iwata's way more then the H&S mainly due to I like the feel . Both spray well but on my H&S I notice a little more delay on paint coming out as the trigger is pulled back then on my Iwata.
Like others on here I have both Iwata and H&S I use the Iwata's way more then the H&S mainly due to I like the feel . Both spray well but on my H&S I notice a little more delay on paint coming out as the trigger is pulled back then on my Iwata.
yup, that delay is what make it less intuitive to use, but I realize that if I goes a little more with the thinner/paint ratio it is almost as responsive as a CM. And if you use a 0.15 needle with and 0.2 nozzle it works awesome!

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Many thanks for all your replies. Your opinion and advice is highly appreciated.
I have just checked the website of the fair (near Heidelberg) and they say one could try the entire range of Iwata & H&S guns there at their booths.
That will help a lot.
yup, that delay is what make it less intuitive to use, but I realize that if I goes a little more with the thinner/paint ratio it is almost as responsive as a CM. And if you use a 0.15 needle with and 0.2 nozzle it works awesome!

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I will have to give that a go being I converted mine to .2 being the .15 nozzle crack too easily
I just came back from the airbrush fair and had the chance to test a couple of guns. Eventually, I found the perfect one for me:

H&S Infinity CR Plus V.2.0 (Novel type of needles reduces Tipdry) as Two in One Version with 0.2mm + 0.4mm.

For me it was inportant that the gravity feed cups do not block my sight. Also I did not experience a delayed spray thta was reported earlier with respect to the trigger mechanism.
But then, my only experience so far is the Badger 150, so this is a bit like changing from a Volkswagen to an Audi.

Will see if the toy lives up to my expectations. Will report soon.

When I send this pic to my sister in law, she asked me if I had started to smoke crack:
Glad to hear you found your perfect brush, enjoy it, it is an outstanding brush!!! And yes the question that is a pipe? People do it very often!!

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Novel type of needle reduces tip dry is kind of new to me. Try spraying some Vallejo acrylics to see if that is really the case. That being said, H&S are really beautiful airbrushes, Audi of airbrushes, very correct.
Novel type of needle reduces tip dry is kind of new to me. Try spraying some Vallejo acrylics to see if that is really the case. That being said, H&S are really beautiful airbrushes, Audi of airbrushes, very correct.

Yeah, don't get your hopes too high about that reduced tip dry thing ;) H&S did change their needle grind, went from a long continuous taper, to a shorter double taper. I like them because they are more robust, not as easily damaged, and offer good control. They still tip dry just like anything else, though...