Krome questions

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I know we have several Krome users out there who may be able to help me on these queries!:thumbsdown: As you know, the brush comes with two needles and tips, I thought the other tip without the horns was for the .33? Needle, but I have seen several vids with that tip on the brush, soi put mine on with the .21 setup and was amazed by the results, the brush performed way above my skill level, was able to paint insane thin lines, shaky but thin.
I love this airbrush, and have no real complaints, but, I noticed tonight the chrome is coming off where the back of the paint cup attaches to the body, Its small as I only noticed it under a mag glass, I just don't want it to get worse, only had it 3_4 months.
Is this covered?
Thanks guys and gals!;)
One more thing, the action on my trigger just does not seem to be as smooth as everyone says Theirs are, there is a spot in the return stroke or off stroke that seems to jump, I can't seem to get a smooth line doing daggers will jump from say 1/8" to 1/16" about the same place most the time, any ideas?????
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No idea on the rough stuff but badger will cover flaking chrome,, id look at the trigger assembly and the barrel for the rough stuff,
The air cap without the horns is actually for the .33 needle nozzle setup. It works with the .2 setup, but I think the results are not as good and takes some control to get those easy lines. You can purchase a seperate cap without the horbs for the .2 needle. I want to do that cause I find them quite annoying.

Have you tried putting put some lube on the trigger assembly?
No idea on the rough stuff but badger will cover flaking chrome,, id look at the trigger assembly and the barrel for the rough stuff,
I will look at the assembly today for any sticking points, I would hate to lose my brush even for a few days for a warenty call, thank you Nada.
The air cap without the horns is actually for the .33 needle nozzle setup. It works with the .2 setup, but I think the results are not as good and takes some control to get those easy lines. You can purchase a seperate cap without the horbs for the .2 needle. I want to do that cause I find them quite annoying.

Have you tried putting put some lube on the trigger assembly?
I will look into buying the smaller detail cap, although I'm not quite to the point where I can use it,:laugh:lolI have tried lube, it helps somewhat, I hope its something that can be fixed by me. Thanks for your answer !!!!
I will look at the assembly today for any sticking points, I would hate to lose my brush even for a few days for a warenty call, thank you Nada.
I found some rough tooling around the trigger area where the needle goes through/ rubs against the tension/spring thing, used some 1000 grit wet/dry sand paper, it is now smooth as silk!!! Very happy with the results.
I know we have several Krome users out there who may be able to help me on these queries!:thumbsdown: As you know, the brush comes with two needles and tips, I thought the other tip without the horns was for the .33? Needle, but I have seen several vids with that tip on the brush, soi put mine on with the .21 setup and was amazed by the results, the brush performed way above my skill level, was able to paint insane thin lines, shaky but thin.
I love this airbrush, and have no real complaints, but, I noticed tonight the chrome is coming off where the back of the paint cup attaches to the body, Its small as I only noticed it under a mag glass, I just don't want it to get worse, only had it 3_4 months.
Is this covered?
Thanks guys and gals!;)
One more thing, the action on my trigger just does not seem to be as smooth as everyone says Theirs are, there is a spot in the return stroke or off stroke that seems to jump, I can't seem to get a smooth line doing daggers will jump from say 1/8" to 1/16" about the same place most the time, any ideas?????
Had a return email from a cus rep about a week after I sent the email, sent pics and more info a week ago, waiting for an answer.
May sound excessive (I'm not using a Krome YET) but i lube my trigger assembly every time i use my brush. Glad you got that part sorted out.
Well,, no answer back from Badger, been a week since the lady e mailed me back, I'll prob get an Iwata instead of Sotar when I do get to send it in. For service.
Yeah they do, was just trying to give the benifet of a doubt with all going on there I guess, after three emails they answered back with "we'll get an answer to you asap" so gonna wait a little longer.
Looking at the Iwata high line hp-ch, I think the Mac valve would be very helpful.
By the way, I took my old air cap into work and removed the horns, not exactly like Badgers detail cap, but works very well, but alas, bent my needle 2nd night I used it. Lucky I bought the spare, I you tubed needle repair and got it straightened back out and polished (never will be 100% straight I know) but it does seem to work fine!
Just get in inline valve and all your guns will benefit from it.
Do you just put the quick connect at the top of the Mac valve?
If you buy the Iwata one then yes. If you buy the Spar max or Grex one then it's one piece. Don't buy the no-name Chinese ones, they are rubbish.
I just bought a Krome and had the same problem with not so smooth action, i did notice as i pulled the needle out through the bearing thingy that it seemed to grab so i got it on the polishing wheel with a bit of medium ruge and polished up the area around where it sits in the bearing and that seemed to fix the problem, it might be worth trying\
also i did have a close look at the two regulators and the hole of the horned one is slightly smaller than the open one
hope that helps
I just bought a Krome and had the same problem with not so smooth action, i did notice as i pulled the needle out through the bearing thingy that it seemed to grab so i got it on the polishing wheel with a bit of medium ruge and polished up the area around where it sits in the bearing and that seemed to fix the problem, it might be worth trying\
also i did have a close look at the two regulators and the hole of the horned one is slightly smaller than the open one
hope that helps
Thank you Forky!