lube? worth it?



I got some lube when I bought my iwata eclipse hp-cs. haven't really read anything about lube when I have been doing my research. Is this stuff worth while using? Should I keep some in stock? Or just use what I've been given as a smaple and keep it at that?
I personally love the stuff, it works really well especially if you plan storing or not using your brushes for a while. I use just a small tiny drop on my needle, doesn't take much. Plus sometimes my valve piston will stick on my HP-C+ and that will get a shot of it also. I always make sure I have a tube of the lube lol!
Yes like Cuda stated just a small drop keeps your airbrush working great and cuts down on wear.
Putting some on the spring at the back off the brush and a tiny winy winchy bit at the trigger does wonders. With my CM's there is a noticable difference in responsiveness (for me), it just all works a tad smoother.
the tube you got should last for months. the only place you need to use it consistently is on the first1/3 of the needle. just a tiny bit between your fingers and rub it on. dont stab yourself (it hurts lol) as the others mentioned above it works well just dont think more is better It can gum things up if used improperly
Yup I was going to say I do put a little behind my trigger and man she's smooth for a bit.
I have stopped lubing all the internals. I only do a little bit on the needle and I insert it from the front when I do this. All I'm actually doing is lubing the packing nut.
I have other lubes for that And the small tube that comes with Iwata just wouldnt hack it
I have stopped lubing all the internals. I only do a little bit on the needle and I insert it from the front when I do this. All I'm actually doing is lubing the packing nut.
Why do you insert from the front? I always put some on the needle after cleaning, but I put the needle back in from the back.
I have stopped lubing all the internals. I only do a little bit on the needle and I insert it from the front when I do this. All I'm actually doing is lubing the packing nut.
yup.... often people totally neglect the nuts
Slap it on and slip it in....the needle that is...the one in the airbrush that is!!! Yep...still digging that hole!
Why only one tube of lube. Keep some any where your needle may need lubing. Buy one for every room you touch your needle in.

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