
1 harbor freight siphon
3 neos
A badger krome
And a IWATTA EClipse
I used a 16x20 canvas then a coat of satin white acrylic baseboard paint. Then I mixed to taste
some createx pearl white, pearlized satin gold iridescent blue. Then some auto air gem turquoise.
I sprayed it on heavy with my small airless. Then I used a 3” trim brush and made wavy brush strokes. It didn’t look like what I had envisioned, but It looks OK. I let it dry a few hrs., then a cat nap, and started to draw my envisioned Poseidon. I used com air black for the most part, it's really nice right out of the bottle. I am used to the cheap apple brand that has to be strained and thinned 50 times before it's useable.
The first pic is the wavy lines dry ready to paint image.
Second pic is my rough drawing.
Third pic is partial painted has some mistakes that needs fixing.
Fourth pic needs more fixing.
Now my4th image heeds bubbles, a final image of Poseidon has bubbles and sun rays. clear coated with a hint of auto air, sparkle gold mixed with the clear.
I had this old washed out green frame that didn’t want to be painted. Just put it on all distressed like drift wood frame. Hope you enjoy . bentoad

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