Preparing a substrate.



Hi All,

Just a small technical assistance if you dont mind.

I wish to prepare some Bristol Board for painting onto. For example I would like to paint the Bristol Board completely Light Green so that when I airbrush onto it, I can erase and scratch back to the light green base.

I am using wicked paints, which I have noticed, begin to erase and scratch much more successfully the more layers of paint that go onto the work.

I am thinking that if the bristol board is painted completely forst before airbrushing begins, then the wicked will erase and scratch easier.

So the question now is, What is the best spray can or paint to paint the bristol board with?

Hoping the above makes sense as to what I am asking

Don't know about Bristol board, but I have used basic lacquer based automotive paint to spray poster board, and have painted on that, even let's you use frisket type materials without harming the surface.
createx's new illustration colors are supposed to erase easily (much more so then wicked)
createx's new illustration colors are supposed to erase easily (much more so then wicked)

I read that, and others on here have said, BUT, they are twice the price of wicked and detail.

Not being that tight, but I am thinking that a better stable background might be better to work with to start off.
If you want the base green to come through when scratching ya may need to try heat treat and/or clear it..One issue you may have is that it will scratch through to the white of the board anyway, applying the right pressure when scratching will be critical..Good luck..