Question concerning disassembly Iwata HP-CS



Hello, I was trying to take apart my eclipse for the first time yesterday and got as far as trying to take off the nozzle. The video I was watching said it was easy and it should just come off but mine is stuck! Is there something I'm missing here?
I don't have the hpcs, but I'm sure
@Madbrush or someone else will be along shortly to help , I didn't want you feeling ignores :)
I think so? I took off the needle cap then the nozzle cap and the head cap but then the nozzle wont come off i tried to pull on it, twist it and nothing and at the time I hadn't sprayed any paint with it only water to make sure it worked
Does it have the self centering nozzle? Did you brush come with a VERY small spanner fitting? If it only came with a spanner for the screw cap OVER the nozzle then the answer is yes, it is self centering. To get at the nozzle you can fit the spanner in the appropriate place and take that whole assembly off. It may pay to remove the needle before you go any further. Check for any dried paint around the nozzle. Clean off if there is any. Then try and remove the nozzle directly out. Sometime I gently (emphasis on the GENTLE) push sideways as low as I can get on the nozzle to break the seal it can forms on one side. That is why you should remove you needle before trying this otherwise you are up for a new needle!! Post some pretty pictures of what you've got if this doesn't help.

Cheers Mark
Hang on a minute everyone . It says they have an HP-CS which should be just a eclipse hp-cs and not the high performance which would be a HP-C..
so it should have came with a small wrench to remove the nozzle cap and then the nozzle can sometime be stuck due to lack of cleaning or over tightening the nozzle cap.

Yes, wrench to remove item #3 and item #4 is the self centering nozzle which should come out by hand...
Soak it in some cleaner for a few mins.(15 should do it)to loosen up the old paint then just wiggle it or twist it with your fingers don't try to force it,If it won't move soak it some more and try again! Mine do it too.
If it came with the small wrench for the nozzle, toss the wrench in the bin. It has no place on a HP-CS. Normally you can just wiggle it loose but otherwise try and use some thinners or cleaner around the edge.
If it came with the small wrench for the nozzle, toss the wrench in the bin. It has no place on a HP-CS. Normally you can just wiggle it loose but otherwise try and use some thinners or cleaner around the edge.
You are right , but dont toss the wrench in the bin as I have just took my HP SBS apart for a good cleaning ( long overdue I might add ;) ) it has the drop in nozzle but the actual nozzle is screwed in the drop in part
If it came with the small wrench for the nozzle, toss the wrench in the bin. It has no place on a HP-CS. Normally you can just wiggle it loose but otherwise try and use some thinners or cleaner around the edge.
Hi Andre, the wrench is for removing item #3 (head cap) in the ITP, the piece that secures the nozzle in place. There is a reason for it and it is useful. I don't recommend throwing it away!! The nozzle does not need a wrench on the self centering nozzles.
Hi Andre, the wrench is for removing item #3 (head cap) in the ITP, the piece that secures the nozzle in place. There is a reason for it and it is useful. I don't recommend throwing it away!! The nozzle does not need a wrench on the self centering nozzles.
@markjthompson, some people get a big one to remove the head and some get a small one. Only Iwata will know why there's no uniformity. I got a small one. I agree do not throw the big one away, but the small one has no place in the kit.
@markjthompson, some people get a big one to remove the head and some get a small one. Only Iwata will know why there's no uniformity. I got a small one. I agree do not throw the big one away, but the small one has no place in the kit.
Yes. When I got my brush I was expecting the small wrench for the fiddly little end of the nozzle. I was surprised and asked the supplier who explained that it is a different nozzle. I would be gutted if I got the small one!! I agree, no idea why they would make something so small and delicate!
Hey sorry for taking so long to respond back was busy with work and such. Anyways so I'm still unable to take it off do I need to let it soak for long? Here's a picture
just make up a hot pot of water and stick the head of the head brush in it for a couple of minutes.
The is the Eclipse HP-CS and it is a self centering nozzle. mainly paint and pressure has cause it to kind of cement itself in place . the hot water will soften it up enough to come off.
It worked! Thank you, After finally taking it apart completely I got a little confused but figured it out is the nozzle supposed to come off so easily now?