reducing com-art with water


Air-Valve Autobot!
When I reduce com-art with water I notice that has the tendenci of "floating" , and I have to remix it all the time .
That means that paint goes light al the time and I have to give a back air flow every minute and then go darker again.

Anyone that has the same issue or know a solution ?


PD: I can't find an specific com-art reducer in the web
Mix it properly in a separate container. There is no reducer for com-art, there is only medium which helps with transparency but not viscosity.
It means you have reduced it to the consistency of "dirty Water" it doesn't cover well or adhere to whatever you are painting well either. Hope that helps a little.

It means you have reduced it to the consistency of "dirty Water" it doesn't cover well or adhere to whatever you are painting well either. Hope that helps a little.

Ok I think I have the idea now... Thanks Lee