Respirator care



I bought a nice respirator to keep the lungs healthy :0) and was wondering how you guys clean and store yours? Mine came with several instructions in a gazillion languages with fonts so small I need a magnifying glass to decipher them. What I could read wasn't very clear. I notice a lot of moisture inside after use which I wiped out as best I could. So does anyone have any experience with respirator care and storage?
I don't clean it, store it in a large zippered plastic bag, change filter cartridges as needed.
Yeah, I left mine in the original zip lock bag it came in. Been using it for a year now. (You must be a heavy breather with moister) lol
If you get moisture after use wipe it out with a paper towel so it is dry,Then if your going to put it away for a while you won't get any mold build up,
then when you use it do a quick wipe with an alcohol wipe fix the straps so you don't get any leakage around the mask...and paint away
My advice is to get yourself some alcohol wipes from your local chemist [ drug store ].
They're cheap ,do a good job and are disposable.
I give mine a wipe over after drying it off [ if needed ] and store it in a zip-lock bag ready for next time.
Doesn't matter how long you keep it this way as the wipes kill off all the nasties, and it smells a lot better than the silicone it's made of.