Double Actioner
Hi all.
Me and my iwata eclipse is running out of paint and need some suggestions.
At the moment i use mostly Com-art and paint mostly on paper, most b/w but tries to paint some colorful things to.
So what i need from you guys is a Suggestion of paints and stuff to buy .
Paint brand and maybe bases to use when to my b/w paintings.
All the paintstuff i need to get good at shading and do nice art.
Me and my iwata eclipse is running out of paint and need some suggestions.
At the moment i use mostly Com-art and paint mostly on paper, most b/w but tries to paint some colorful things to.
So what i need from you guys is a Suggestion of paints and stuff to buy .
Paint brand and maybe bases to use when to my b/w paintings.
All the paintstuff i need to get good at shading and do nice art.