Seeking a more efficient method to transfer my patterns

I transfer images by first printing out the reference pic in the exact size I need. If it's bigger than 8.5x11", I just print it out on several sheet of paper and tape them together. Most drawing programs will do this. Then I tape the printout to the top of the substrate to create a hinge. Next I place Saral paper under the printout and use a red pen to trace the lines I need. I use a red pen so I know where I've already made a tracing. The hinge allows me to continually lift up the print out to see my transfer and determine if I need any additional reference lines. Saral is available in gray, white, red and yellow. I use gray on light or white surfaces and the white Saral on black or dark colored surfaces. Saral is a wax free carbon paper. If you use regular carbon paper or graphite paper that has wax, your paint and clear coat won't stick where ever you transferred the reference lines. This is very quick and takes no more than an hour or so, depending on the size and complexity of the artwork. I do have a projector, but rarely use it since this method works for everything except for very large, mural size paintings.