Solvent vs water based paints.


Gravity Guru
Ok sorry I'm adding another newbie question but... I'd like to know the pros n cons to each. Which is best for what and what a.b. can they be used with, can they be sprayed together not mixing of course, brands etc... Yes I know I'm asking a lot but I really like doing this and I wanna expand in due time.
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Phew, where to start lol. I could go on for days for this. The easiest quickest no bs answer would be, of you don't have a proper paintbooth and don't plan on painting cars and motorcycles, don't bother with urethane. I'm an advocate for urethane as it's what I've used for over 20 years but it's very dangerous health wise without proper setup which isn't cheap.

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Refer to the thread we spent a good week discussing this LOL...But we wern't so much discussing the pros and cons of each...

As immortal says, uros are dangerous...Well lets say more dangerous LOL than waterbased/bourne..But they spray soooo much nicer, have prob a lot larger color range, are more UV stable (I believe) and cure much harder and resilient to chipping etc...

Waterbourne or based is def getting better with some of the above and heaps of peeps are using it for auto work these days, but mainly because its considered safer to spray..They don't really require any nasty additives though some systems do recommend their own additives and some of these arn't exactly safe so I still wouldn't be spraying the stuff around my kids but again compared to the alternative, much safer..

Cost wise, well it kinda depends..I personaly find auto paint much cheaper as I think the word airbrush attached to a paint bottle seems to jack the price, for 1 litre of unmixed/reduced auto paint I can make enough paint to airbrush a heck of a lot of projects, 3-5 yrs wrth depending obviously on the color..

Brand wise is a personal choice, again don't justify a brand by its price..I prefer not to pay for a name but the main Brand I like to use is Debeers..Do some research into what auto sprayers consider the bee's knees..HOK will likely be up there also...

As to airbrush, one designed to use solvents is a good idea LOL..Avoid the cheapies as most will just be full of rubber seals that will get eaten by the chemicals..Most Badgers, iwatas and the bigger named brands are good options and if you research the brushes at the manufacturers sites they will let you know if they are able to use with solvents..GL
Yeah its one of those what's practical for you kinda things. If you eventually get into customizing cars and such and open a shop, urethane is a good investment. With waterbased becoming more mainstream it doesn't have the stigma it used to so using it isn't an issue especially since wicked and autoair are formulated for vehicle graphics. I stick with uro for the most part because A I've used it for 20+ years and B most of my customers of they heard the paint was waterbased they would walk away with their vehicle because to the uneducated waterbased just sounds like it won't last or look good. To someone who isn't familiar with art, they think acrylic or watercolor paints are being used. I'm almost always immediately asked from new customers what brand I'm using and they usually ask if I'm using hok. That is the brand that's most well known but not the best imo now as their quality has gone down and other paint systems have better products now

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