Hey guys,
I'm a week and a half days old in terms of airbrushing and i've run into a huge road block (let's face it no one likes road blocks). When i pull my trigger back full charge a really small amount of paint comes out and once i snap off it squirts paint out, i am completely mind f'ed. Also occasionally when i pull the trigger back paint comes out periodically, actually pulsating like.
I then thought "Hey! maybe i should reduce the paint! What a genius!"(I'm using createx opaques btw and illustration base as a reducer) and the same thing happened. Then i thought why not turn down the PSI, because i was running at like 35PSI and took it down to 25 and the problem persists. I also tried taking it up to like 45 and thats when i noticed the pulsating of the paint and yes the problem was still laughing hysterically in my face.
I've cleaned the brush several times like a mother would bathe her infant child and still no "hey i'm all good" from my AB. I've gently cleaned my nozzle and got cured pigment out, but alas, no success on my end. I'm using a local brand airbrush from South Africa (Aircraft SG130K), because i'm all about being patriotic. The AB is pretty close to an Iwata HP-C in terms of mechanics.
So if any of you wonderful folk have any solutions, i would greatly appreciate it and give you a huge virtual hug if you'd like one.
PS airbrushtutor is awesome, i've really learnt a lot.
Peace, Love and Prosperity!
I'm a week and a half days old in terms of airbrushing and i've run into a huge road block (let's face it no one likes road blocks). When i pull my trigger back full charge a really small amount of paint comes out and once i snap off it squirts paint out, i am completely mind f'ed. Also occasionally when i pull the trigger back paint comes out periodically, actually pulsating like.
I then thought "Hey! maybe i should reduce the paint! What a genius!"(I'm using createx opaques btw and illustration base as a reducer) and the same thing happened. Then i thought why not turn down the PSI, because i was running at like 35PSI and took it down to 25 and the problem persists. I also tried taking it up to like 45 and thats when i noticed the pulsating of the paint and yes the problem was still laughing hysterically in my face.
I've cleaned the brush several times like a mother would bathe her infant child and still no "hey i'm all good" from my AB. I've gently cleaned my nozzle and got cured pigment out, but alas, no success on my end. I'm using a local brand airbrush from South Africa (Aircraft SG130K), because i'm all about being patriotic. The AB is pretty close to an Iwata HP-C in terms of mechanics.
So if any of you wonderful folk have any solutions, i would greatly appreciate it and give you a huge virtual hug if you'd like one.
PS airbrushtutor is awesome, i've really learnt a lot.
Peace, Love and Prosperity!