Sotar paint reduction


Needle-chuck Ninja
Ive been playing a lot with my sotar and yesterday i went back and forth between using distilled water to reduce and using createx reducer. It seems as if it needs a whole lot more reducer than it does water to get it to flow right. With reducer it just wasnt spraying right. Trigger would pull further than needed to get paint flowing. I even let it sit for a while after mixing. I cleaned and refilled 3 times with different amounts of reducer. None performed very well. Then i went back to just distilled water and i while the paint is much thinner i barely have to pull the trigger at all and paint starts to flow perfecty. I can do tiny tiny gradients. Has anyone else has trouble thinning with reducer in their sotar?
From what i read, the sotar is quite critical with its paint but also createx and createx reducer cause issues with other brushes too.
My very little experience with acrylics in the SOTAR has been with distilled water only. Still need to nail it down but so far so good. The game changer for me was straining the paint before putting in the cup.
Straining is something i haven't tried yet. What do you use to strain your paints?
I use one of these. Cheap from the hardware store. These are used in laundry's washing machines to filter heavier sediments. They go inside the water hose. I'm sure there are finer alternatives but even this coarse, it works for me.
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I have found that with some of the reducers, like 4011, or 4013, even though you are reducing the viscosity of the paint, it does not seem to lower the surface tension. Especially in a very dry environment. That stuff grabs the walls of the paint channel with a death grip, and even though it seems thinner than water, it ain't letting go! I think that is one of the benefits of the new 4021 - it greatly reduces surface tension allowing the paint to flow very easily.
Straining is something i haven't tried yet. What do you use to strain your paints?
Straining for the Sotar is a little complicated because of the small cup size. Well not complicated just multiple steps.

These work great since you just pop them in the paint cup and the mesh is metal so it is really fine. Although the do not fit in the Altar cup.

I have a few old Floquil paint jars. So I can just pour it into the jar then into the Sotar. That or if you just left the Sotar in a holder then held the filter tilted to the side and slowly poured the paint in. You could do it that way. Just more likely to make a mess and I am clumsy enough already so I just use a separate jar and use that to dilute the paint.