tip dry right?


Needle chucking Ninja
Staff member
I am playing with green color and I get darker spots. Paint is very well mixed, and I had this issue only with green color. It's pure paint ,no reducer, 0.5 and 20 psi. I suspect this is spitting of paint, the part which I don't understand is that those spots are darker then the object when it's fully saturated with paint. So is this cause of paint build up on needle and then airbrush just spits it?
this is 40 drops of yellow and 1 drop of blue. I have this issue on 40drops yellow 1 drop blue, 30 drops of yellow 1 drop blue, but I don't have this issue with 20drops of yellow 1 drop of blue.
Green is a hard one to spray fade with just due to the build up of dry paint on the needle and it flying off due to you are keeping the paint flow high.
If I use a green for a fade I will do it in many light layers I will start at the lightest are the work my way down. that way if or when the tip dry splatter happens I can usually cover it on the next layer.
well to be honest it's my first time with this problem. I was a little confused with this :) I was like: Damn my green has Chickenpox lol