Does it look like this?
View attachment 18772
Try reducing your paint 1:1 (1 Drop Reducer : One Drop Paint)
Can you produce consistent mid width lines from about 2" away from your painting surface with this reduction?
Are you getting starts/stops?
Inconsistent starts/stops?
Two things:
1.) Being new is hard enough, an airbrush takes A LOT of practice to gain control.
2.) The airbrush you have is mediocre at best, many of these brushes cause headaches for a lot of newcomers.
The airbrush is a chinese Iwata knockoff, I have a similar one(bought it just to try), it's not very consistent.
If you still have issues after a bit of practice, I'd see if you can return it and get something that will be consistent.
There are some good brushes out there between $75-$100, the Badger Patriot is a great beginner brush, I love using it.