I put water in my gun on purpose ~
I realise that your probably have to have a silent compressor but what make and models are you using food?
I have an IWATA Power studio with a 2litre tank and a huge 25kitre tank on a clarke. and both will do the business. (of squirting coloured water hahahahaha)
What compressors have you had mate?
My first compressor, because I was new to it and totally stupid (still totally stupid, that will never change), was a small daft thing about the size of a pack of cigarettes with no power probably 0.5psi, the second was similar to the iwata you have but no tank, the third was from michelin with 6 litres tank and sounded like a tractor with a cold, the new one which with some luck will be here on Thursday is similar to the Iwata but with a 3 litre tank.
I have to keep the noise down because I live in a Flat with rice paper walls, bit like a Suche restaurant but without the fish, I can here the all the other neighbours go to the toilet, so I know if they flush or not.