What is difference between drop in nozzle and screw nozzle?


Young Tutorling
I think drop in nozzle(some brand call self centering nozzle, compression fit and so on) has more advantage. But most AB are screw nozzle. What is difference? or screw nozzle better? What do you think about this? Has screw nozzle less air leak?
Not better or worse, just different. Iwata use both on different models. The both work well. The drop in nozzle is easier to take out and clean with less risk of damage. I can also fit a 0.5 needle/nozzle/aircap in the Iwata Eclipse if I need a larger spray.
I am one of those people that will not own a brush the nozzle has to be unscrewed from the body. Removable head assemblies are fine, and drop in self centering as well. (micron/gsi creos platinum and ps770, style heads can all be removed and cleaned without unthreading the nozzle)
Then all the H&S airbrushes, eclipse series, badger Patriot and things with large not easily lost self centering nozzles are easy to clean out.

Now with my experience, I can go a long time between cleaning but it still bugs me to have to unthread A nozzle if I need maintenance. Having only stripped one this way, it was enough.
I won't even recommend a brush that has a screw in nozzle only for a beginner.