Airbrush cleaning station



I have one of these cleaning stations/holders that I rarely used because I didn't like the way it tipped back when you put airbrush in it so, I made a stabilizer block to keep it from moving. I took a scrap piece of wood, and made a dato or channel in it wide enough for the chrome piece to fit inside, made it deep enough to recess back far enough for it to extend through it just far enough to pin it to keep it tight. IMG_0311.jpg For the pin I used a strong piece of solid wire (you could use a piece of clothes hanger also) and there ya cost if you have basics
Nice! I never had a problem with it tipping problem is I knock it off my work table, like regularly when its almost full lololol I need to velcro that sucker down
Nice! I never had a problem with it tipping problem is I knock it off my work table, like regularly when its almost full lololol I need to velcro that sucker down

lol well with my luck I had a defective one, I couldn't figure out why the brace was short but I figured if any one else had one like mine it was an easy fix.
Good fix but I do not trust the pot to use as a stand as well. I use a separate stand that can clamp on the desk.
Good fix but I do not trust the pot to use as a stand as well. I use a separate stand that can clamp on the desk.

Yeah AndreZA, I have a different set up I mainly use but I do now use the pot to do quick color changes and let it rest there till I prep my next color.
Is that the Iwata one? If so something isnt right. I have been watching review vids on the Iwata station and the support bar (lower bar you have the wood on) touches the table in all the reviews Ive watched...
Yeah, so I guess I'm the only one with that that's what I get for getting it at HF when I first started, it was like $12 so was it worth being an inch short? yep lmao

**** I can see this getting jacked right off the bat lol
Got a similar cheap Chinese knock off, used with my H&S infinity, witched to an jar and a table clamp holder. Just don't trust the rubber with my open needle cap.
nice fix .... i haven't bought a cleaning jar just can't make up my mind if its worth it , I just use paper towel or old rags right now.
Very cool fix , While I do not own one of these It is nice to see how to modify it in case one day when I do think to buy one and run into the same problem I can do the same thing.
Right now I am just using an old modified milk jug .
I broke down yesterday when at the art store and bought on they had them on sale for $12.99 why not.