Thayer and Chandler A Elite: A variant of a legend

WOW! No pictures but I just did a quick test and I made the finest lines I've ever done with an airbrush with this Elite. I mean, SERIOUSLY THIN hairlines... And I am still struggling with getting acrylic paint properly diluted...
WOW! No pictures but I just did a quick test and I made the finest lines I've ever done with an airbrush with this Elite. I mean, SERIOUSLY THIN hairlines... And I am still struggling with getting acrylic paint properly diluted...
hehehehe, I said the same thing a few posts back. I was working on a comparison of different brushes as far as the quality of lines they would produce. Some very high end brushes, too. I went through Iwatas, Olympos, Richpen, brushes.. Added some Efbe, Hansa, H&S, followed by all kinds of Badger and TC brushes. Almost as an afterthought I grabbed the A Elite off the shelf, loaded up my paint sample, adjusted the regulator for the pressure I was using, and proceeded to sit there with my jaw hanging open - when the Elite A bested everything I had just finished working so hard to use to produce the best results I felt I could get from them.

They seem so simple, and understated. But, boy they sure can work well.