a good starting setup

Currently trawling ebay. cant believe how many compressors there are to choose from. I have found one that has 100 litre tank and 8 cfm. However, im not sure its good for larger guns as the motor is 1.5 hp, and this despite 100 liter tank , would struggle to keep up i think.
SO i'm focusing on a smaller unit to begin with, then 3hp when i progress.
Thanks for the assistance so far. its helping me finish setting up a workshop and getting back to my usual routine!
Ah just a quick question. Is getting an oil filled compressor and running it with airbrushes ok? is it possible that oil can get into the air brush etc?
Id be surprised if this did happen but wanted to clarify this point!
Yes it is possible that some oil vapour could come through with the air but very unlikely. Usually the compressor has a moisture and oil trap plus almost every one has an inline trap too. So in the event that any oil comes up the air feed by chance there are usually 2 traps to stop it. I've never had a problem.

OK Part two accomplished. I have a compressor that will do 2.6 cfm at 4 bar and 1.6 cfm at 8 bars. it is oiless and holds 24 litres of compressed air.
So next step i guess is choose a small project and buy an airbrush to do it.