Need advice, my airbrush will not stop back flushing paint for some reason.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brian
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Iv come to the conclusion that their is something seriously wrong with the air cap, Iv made this conclusion because when I take out the needle and nozzle it still happens, so its noting to do with them, I'm at the point now were enough is enough, it was good for the short time it lasted, but I give up, its true what they say you get what you pay for. thanks everybody for your help ; )
Oh one thing Brian, did you make sure that there is absolutely no dry paint inside the aircap that might block a little bit of the side of the hole.
I had such a problem with my Neo once that the air cap had some rest paint inside and alot of air was pressed back again then. This would be
about the last thing to check what i could think of though.
It is not a sad event that should make you feel that you must take the blame for. Unfortunately, some manufacturers just don't care about their customers whatsoever. In trade sites like Alibaba they knowingly sell goods that were initially rejected, but since selling them anyway reduces the loss, they throw flawed products on the market, feeling safe that guarantee legislation will not be able to hold them responsible. I hope it does not terminate your interest in airbrushing. If possible, get an Iwata Neo CN, which is sold for under 50 USD. It may help you put this bad experience behind you.
Thanks ignis, Iv had a look at Iwata Neo CN and it looks very nice, ill be getting one very soon. thanks again

If you press the trigger with the nozzle removed and the head installed, any airbrush will blow air back into the cup. If you are getting bubbles with everything installed and the needle fully seated, it has to be the join between the nozzle and body or a cracked nozzle. There are only two places that air and paint can mix. One is at the tip of the nozzle and the other is where the nozzle contacts the body.

You might want to have a look at my review of the Neo.

Thanks Don, Im just going to us it for spare parts now, Iv got two other starter Airbrush's that I got with my air compressor that will keep me going till I purchase a more high quality one, Iv read your review on the Neo and I see they have the same O ring, I'm going to save up and buy one that's in the range of 150 to 200 dollars instead of purchasing the Neo, any advice on a good gravity feed airbrush in that price range?
The Neo o-ring isn't quite the same as the Master. It's fully enclosed in the body, and the nozzle has metal to metal contact. So, it aligns well. I just have a knack of getting the one bad one in the bunch. Check out my Paasche VL review for an example. If you want an airbrush that does fine detail and puts out a whisper of paint, and you are careful how you handle it, the Neo is good choice. Spare parts are still kind of limited.

There are lots of good airbrushes for under $200. The Badger Velocity and Krome, the Iwata Eclipse, and the Harder & Steenbeck Infinity are all fine airbrushes. The Badger Patriot is a rugged general purpose brush and can do hair lines with the new super fine conversion kit. The Paasche Talon is very capable if you don't mind the big cup. I haven't tried a Grex gravity feed, but their Genesis XBi siphon is well built and sprays really nice. Just take some time, read some reviews and something will feel right to you. Stick with a major brand and you won't go far wrong.

I hope that helps a bit.

Hi Don thanks
Iv read all your great reviews on you website and these are the one's that I really like, The Badger Krome and the Badger 105 Patriot and I also seen the The Badger Velocity on Coast Airbrush when I was pricing the airbrush's which sounds good as well, as you said the Badger Patriot is a more general purpose brush which is just what Im looking for at the moment so ill read up a bit more about and make my decision, thanks again
I just figured out what was wrong with my Airbrush, when I was cleaning it out with the bristled cleaning brush the O-Ring for the air cap body got stuck on the bristled brush, its was only today I notice it stuck on their, so I put it back on and every thing is working fine now. thanks every body for your help. : )
Lol that can happen, i had that also one time with one of my airbrushes. Good to hear it is working again :)