Needle PackingScrew Set Fall Out!!!


Young Tutorling
I use iwata hp-cs. After cleaning paintcup I dissemble my airbrush. While I pulling trigger, the needle packingscrew set fall out. I'm sure that it's tight enough before use. How did it come out?
only one way for a screw to come out, right? It has to be unscrewed. The action of the needle sliding in and out through the teflon seal could cause torsional rotation - the unscrewing of the screw - but, not if it was actually tight enough to begin with. When tight enough, the screw forces the teflon to contact the front of the cup, compressing the teflon a small amount in order to seal against the needle. This compression puts tension on the threads, which would prevent it from turning on it's own...
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Also I have found that is you use cleaning brushes or q-tips to clean in the area the needle bearing seal is; That is can loosen the screw as well.