Is making up for a dead pressure switch in a small tankless compressor with a foot power pedal bad?


Gravity Guru
I got a cheap silent compressor off of Amazon that was a return. The pressure switch in it does not shut off the pump. It was the last one they had and have no indication of when more will come in so I cannot exchange it for a new one.

From the YouTube videos I have seen it basically turned on when you drew air for more than a second or two.

It has a 43 on 57 off switch and I don't know where to get one.

Would turning it on and off with a power foot switch be bad for a 12volt 6.5 amp power brick?

It wouldn't be such a big deal. But found out today my work will be shutting down for four weeks over the next two months. I work nights so I am going to have a lot of free time on my hand. This is the quietest compressor I have now and the only one I would feel comfortable using in the middle of the night.
If you use a Relais for switching on and off the higher voltage it would be okay, but you would need a 12 volt power supply. So the Relais would have to be 12 volt on one side and either 110 or 230 volt on the other plus a 12 volt dc power supply šŸ‘
I'd be looking for a new pressure switch, personally; probably on AliEpress. In terms of switching the power brick on & off, I'd be a bit twitchy about it - they rarely use decent capacitors. My preference would be to wire the foot switch between the brick & the compressor.

43psi is about 0.3bar, 57 is 0.4bar.
I've also seen a suggestion that a BLPS-YKH may be used on cheaper compressors, but I've not yet found one with the correct pressure settings.
If you use a Relais for switching on and off the higher voltage it would be okay, but you would need a 12 volt power supply. So the Relais would have to be 12 volt on one side and either 110 or 230 volt on the other plus a 12 volt dc power supply šŸ‘
What is a Relais?

I bought a simple deadman foot switch ment for power tools. Then the next day I realized it may work for my old crusty diaphragm compressor that just plugs into a the wall. The small one has a box like a laptop and I don't know what that would do cutting power on and off.
I'd be looking for a new pressure switch, personally; probably on AliEpress. In terms of switching the power brick on & off, I'd be a bit twitchy about it - they rarely use decent capacitors. My preference would be to wire the foot switch between the brick & the compressor.

43psi is about 0.3bar, 57 is 0.4bar.
That would definitely be better. The pedal I have is just a pass through. So hitting the pedal completes the circuit. Not plus probably safer messing with a 12 volt switch rather than 120 volts.
I've also seen a suggestion that a BLPS-YKH may be used on cheaper compressors, but I've not yet found one with the correct pressure settings.
Yeah that is what it says on it BLPS-YKH 3 on 4 off. Thought that was some random code or part number never thought to just Google it.

My only issue was reading about using it at lower pressure would not drain it fast enough to keep the air pump active. Instead it would drain a little refill quickly and just repeat like a knocking motor.

So I was not sure if that would be a good thing and running it at a higher air pressure the thing is a lot stronger than I am used to.
Cool, that identifies the beasty then. The 3 on/4 off refers to 3MPa & 4MPa.
I'd just go with what's been fitted, then see if it works as-is.
There's bound to be equivalents to that part around too.
Relais ā‰ˆ relay
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mSo @Drastion, what did you end up doing about this?
Inquiring minds want to know......
Have not been able to do much.

I got a pair of Iwata airbrushes along with a sprint jet compressor for relatively cheap. One airbrush is toast.

I was thinking either I could use the "regulator" off the compressor. Its a bleeder valve with a gauge on it. Read in one of the badger manuals that you want to drill a hole in a adapter for a tankless compressor to prevent back pressure. That would at least cut down on the wear on the compressor.

Iwata sells replacement pressure switches. Not sure what on and off settings are on them. They are not too pricy and have to be better quality than a Chinese replacement part. Just not sure if the connection would match up.

That or just use the pedal with the sprint jet for a not so smart jet compressor.

Too bad these things weigh so much as I am now starting to collect compressors along with airbrushes now.
I got a cheap silent compressor off of Amazon that was a return. The pressure switch in it does not shut off the pump. It was the last one they had and have no indication of when more will come in so I cannot exchange it for a new one.

From the YouTube videos I have seen it basically turned on when you drew air for more than a second or two.

It has a 43 on 57 off switch and I don't know where to get one.

Would turning it on and off with a power foot switch be bad for a 12volt 6.5 amp power brick?

It wouldn't be such a big deal. But found out today my work will be shutting down for four weeks over the next two months. I work nights so I am going to have a lot of free time on my hand. This is the quietest compressor I have now and the only one I would feel comfortable using in the middle of the night.
Hey, Can I ask what brand of silent oil lubricated compressor? Can you post any pics? The reason I ask is because you can purchase a quality Condor air compressor pressure switch this is the OEM brand of pressure switch found on SILENTAIRE and JUN-AIR silent oil lubricated air compressors. These can cost an arm an and leg from JUN-AIR but can be had again direct from the manufacture CONDOR at a fraction of what the same pressure switch would cost direct from the air compressor brand.
It is not one of the fancy oiled compressors. It is a tiny electric one. It has a really small enclosure. So I am not sure what part will work. As there is little room to fit the switch in.
You could use a t piece from the outlet to fit a pressure switch in. Bleed valves are a must if you are running off a pedal or switch or you will end up blowing something if you leave your foot down.

Head over to a sparmax spares website, they make the iwata compressors i believe so you may find the prices are better without the iwata name on.
This is a uk sparmax distributor

But it may be the part you are after. Having a main pressure relief valve is a good idea too. Does it have one already?

Lists 30psi on 50psi off

There is a manual you can download,

A bit dearer but the part number may be handy.

Most of these small compressors safety max is usually rated at 80psi that i have come across so a 40 60 i think would be ok. Iwata or sparmax tech may be ble to confirm that. They also sell auxiliary tank setups so you could avoid the constant on off switching you are worried about.

Just to clarify its a smart jet? Not a sprint jet?